Food packages

Choose one package or make a combination to create your perfect event!

Limited Menu (available for parties of up to 30 guests only)

Your guests can choose from a limited menu of More favorites

Appetizer Buffet

Choose from a variety of appetizers curated by our executive chef

Passed Apps (only on party sizes of 30 or less)

Tell us what apps you love and we’ll keep ‘em coming

Dinner Buffet

Choose from a variety of entrees and sides curated by our executive chef

Plated Dinner (only on party sizes of 30 or less)

Choose from a variety of perfect plates curated by our executive chef


Hops & Grapes

More Brewing beers, guest beers, wine, soda, tea, and coffee


Everything from hops and grapes + cocktails (top shelf not included)

Ala Carte Bar

Guests can order can anything we offer at menu prices

schedule a time to talk to one of our managers about your event here
